Item Number - Product Type - Insect Name
P113 MPB Mountain Pine Beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae
P276 Pine Engraver Beetle Ips pini
P274 PXL Exotic Bark Beetle Ips typographus
P130 Western Pine Beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis
P151 Southern Pine Beetle Dendroctonus frontalis
P144 Douglas-fir Beetle Dendroctonus pseudotsugae
P115 Spruce Beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis
P188 Elm Bark Beetle (90 days) Scolytus spp
P518 Asian Longhorn Beetle
P277 California Fivespined Ips Ips paraconfusus
P275 Spruce Engraver Beetle Ips pertubatus
P280 Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Tetropium fuscum
P333 Pine Sawyer Beetle Monochamus galloprovinciallis
P262 Roundheaded Bark Beetle Dendroctonus adjunctus
P281 Red Turpentine Beetle Dendroctonus valens
P361 Eastern Six-spined Engraver Beetle Ips callographus
P362 Eastern Five-spined Engraver Beetle Ips grandicolis
P282 Six-toothed Ips Beetle Ips sexdentatus
P237 Larch Bark Beetle Ips subelongatus
P272 Pine Shoot Beetle Ips piniperda
Other lures available - please inquire.
P116 Douglas-fir Beetle Dendroctonus pseudotsugae
P052 Mountain Pine Beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae
P115-5 Spruce Beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis
P339 Wood Wasp Sirex noctilo
P129 Western Pine Beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis
P128 Western Balsam Bark Beetle Dryocetes confusus
P516 Western Pine Shoot Borer Eucosma sonomana
P439E Eastern Spruce Budworm Choristoneura fumiferana
P439W Western Spruce Budworm Choristoneura occidentalis
P124 Oblique Banded Leaf Roller Choristoneura rosaseana
P217 Gypsy Moth (flex lure) Lymantria dispar
P217 Nun Moth (flex) Lymantria monacha
P131-0.5 Douglas-fir Tussock Moth 0.5 ug Orgyia pseudotsuga
P131-5 Douglas-fir Tussock Moth 5 ug Orgyia pseudotsuga
P561 Western Hemlock Looper Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa
P562 Jack Pine Budworm Choristoneura pinus pinus
P563 Forest Tent Caterpillar Malacosoma disstria
P041 Trypodendron lineatum
P153 Gnathotrichus retusus
P117 Gnathotrichus sulcatus
IP037 Alpha-pinene UHR 75/25
IP037 Alpha-pinene UHR 95/5
IP036 Ethanol UHR
IP004 Ethanol Standard
IP005 Lineatin 16 mg flex lure
IP029 Sudenol lure
IP035-40 Ipsenol 40mg bubblecap
IP035-15 Ipsenol 100 mg bubblecap
IP0034 Ipsdienol 100 mg bubblecap
IP043 Lanierone bubblecap
IP012B Myrcene 17 ml bottle
IP008 Trans verbenol 180 mg bubblecap
IP291 Methylbutenol lure 3.8gm
IP019 Cis verbenol 20mg bubblecap
IP031 Cis verbenol 190mg bubblecap
P650 Pityol 40 mg bubblecap
IP007 Exo-brevicomin 2.5 mg flex lure
IP035 Ipsenol 40 mg bubblecap
IP030 Myrcene/Terpinoline 17 ml bottle
IP003 Sulcatol bubblecap
IP003-R Retusol bubblecap
IP001 MCOL bubblecap
P205 Nonanal bubblecap
P298-400CT Conophthorin 250 ug in 400 mg tube
PC075 Frontalin lure
P363 Monochamol lure 90 mg
Many more components can be made available - please inquire.
P150 Verbenone Pouch
P222 MCH Bubblecap
P218-4 Funnel Trap 4-unit wet cup
P218-8 Funnel Trap 8-unit wet cup
P218-12 Funnel Trap 12-unit wet cup
P218-16 Funnel Trap 16-unit wet cup
OM100-W Wet Collection Cup
OM100-D Dry Collection Cup
OM101 Regular Funnel
OM102 Bottom Funnel
OM133A Top Assembly
OM166 Two Ring Lure Holder
P074 Unitrap
P189 Elm Bark Beetle
P050 Cross-vane Panel Trap
OM 071 Grid White Diamond Trap with grid
P476 Green Gypsy Moth Trap
P131 Milk Carton Trap (Douglas-fir Tussock Moth)
P020 Vaportape (Pesticide Strip)
Note: We also have plastic delta traps, wing traps, sticky cards in various colours, scale cards, ramp traps.
For all prices and/or formal quotes please contact:
Bruce Thomson
WestGreen Global Technologies